Working Group on International Shipping Legislation 国际航运立法工作组
The origination and development of this shipping green barrier has posed important and far-reaching impact on international shipping industry and the legislation of maritime laws, especially produced a powerful blow on the shipping industry of developing nations including China. 海运绿色壁垒的产生和发展,对国际海运业及其政策法规产生了重要和深刻的影响,对包括我国在内的广大发展中国家的海运业产生了强烈的冲击。
In this chapter, the writer, combing with international law, the relevant legal provisions of marine shipping countries and a number of cases, comments the legislation of maritime lien of PRC and presents the writer's own opinion. 在该章中,将结合国际公约、其他海运国家的相关法律规定以及部分案例,对我国船舶优先权的立法进行评述,并提出自己的见解。
In this paper, the author has discussed the legal relationship of international shipping agency and has made an attempt to improve China's legislation in this respect on the basis of the study of international shipping agent systems by taking into consideration the peculiarity of international shipping agent. 本文在研究国际代理制度的基础上,结合国际船舶代理的特殊性,较为详尽的论述了我国国际船舶代理法律关系,并为进一步完善我国该方面的立法进行了一些有益的探讨。
For the international shipping industry, harmonization of legislation of great significance for their development. 对于国际航运业而言,统一立法对其发展意义重大。
Due to the globalization of the international shipping industry as well as the unification of the maritime disputes and maritime legislation, international maritime arbitration plays an important role in dealing with international business disputes. 基于世界航运业的全球性、海事纠纷的涉外性以及海事法律的一体化等因素,国际海事仲裁在国际商贸领域发挥着重要作用。